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Brudenkjolens slæb

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Jeg har købt en kjole med langt slæb men vil gerne have den bundet op efter vielsen. Er der nogen der ved hvordan man binder den op i en "French bustle". Ved ikke lige hvad det hedder på dansk.

Knus Milsen


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Annonce ♥

Jeg har lige lavet en tråd med link til forskellige typer "Bustles". Mon ikke at en skrædder så ved præcis hvordan man skal gøre?

Jeg ved at man kan bruge både 1 og mange flere punkter/kroge/lykker til at binde en "bustle"


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Fandt denne beskrivelse, der nok siger det meget godt

If the bustle is made from underneath the skirts, ribbons are attached at the appropriate places in the mid-section of the skirt, and another set of ribbons is attached higher on the skirt or near the waist. The pairs of ribbons are then securely tied to form the bustle. Using a different pastel color of ribbon for each “set” of ribbons that get tied together will make the bustling much easier than if, for instance, all white ribbons are used.

Bustling gowns can be tricky, especially since there are no hard and fast rules. The object is to make the gown look as graceful and flattering when bustled as it is full-length, and to achieve this, your gown may need to be bustled in one place or at a dozen points. Experimentation is the key to success.


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Annonce ♥
